Tuesday, January 16, 2018

We thank thee oh God for a {new} prophet

I first met President Nelson as a missionary in Taiwan. His granddaughter Sarah Jane was my trainer and I was able to say the prayer at the meeting where he spoke, a special experience I still remember perfectly. That was the same meeting that found the music director mysteriously missing so as the opening song started I caught President Watterson's eye and before he could even ask I was up lip-syncing and waving my arm in front of a large group of missionaries! I am anything but musical, but I remember being so happy that I was there when President Watterson needed me, especially in front of such an honored guest. I was able to shake President Nelson's hand, give him a hug, and even spend a few extra minutes with him and Sarah Jane. She had already filled my soul with so many wonderful stories of him and their family, and meeting him was the icing on an already sweet and perfect cake.

You would think that would be my favorite memory with our new prophet, but ten years later, and just six months ago, my children had an experience with him that took the gold for this mama bear. My Dad was being released from the stake presidency and James' Dad was being called to the stake presidency and President Nelson was the one presiding at their conference. We were able to have a little time with President Nelson before James' Dad was set apart and he was so tender and kind with Talmage and Everett (we sent our girls home with my parents). He asked them about their lives and about our family and when T asked if they could take a picture together, President Nelson opted to sit and cradle the boys on his lap instead of stay standing. I think any mother has extra adoration for a person who pays her children special attention, and that feeling was magnified when on the way home my boys said, "Wow, I think President Nelson loves me Mom!" Of that I was, and am, sure.

The transition from one prophet to the next is always kind of tricky for me. Not because I don't love, respect, honor and sustain the new prophet but because those emotions are also mixed with mourning the last one who was adored and will be sorely missed. But as I have learned over the last ten years without my dear President Hinckley, they're never really gone and their messages are always with me, and so it will be with the amazing President Monson.

But now we have a new prophet! Indeed, we thank thee oh God for a new prophet, President Nelson. This morning in a special press conference he was telling a story about a little boys earnest prayer on his behalf and afterwards he thanked God for "children like this, and for parents who are serious about their commitment to righteous, intentional parenting." My eyes filled with tears, a lump in my throat, and a deep feeling of gratitude rested in my heart for a prophet who carries messages from on high. I can't wait to learn more from him in the future and feel the love he has to give. We will keep on the covenant path with him at the helm. We are lucky to call him ours.

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