Monday, January 8, 2018

It's 2018!!!

It's 1-8-18 so today seems like a great day to talk about this new year. I love dates like today!

New Years Eve was on a Sunday, and as such was a little low-key. But who am I kidding, ever since having kids New Years Eve is always a little low-key...just the way we like it! This year was more special than most because we partied at the McKissick's house. We ate pizza, face painted, played Pie Face and had an 8:30 Netflix countdown. Then it was home and to bed for the girls, but the boys got to stay up until midnight--such a big deal! We cuddled on our sofa bed and watched a movie, and big shocker I fell asleep until about five minutes before midnight! It was a great night and hopefully will give way to a great year.

I painted him, he painted me.

She painted herself, obvs!

While the McKissick kids were desperate to not get cream in the face, my kids were desperate to get it, weirdos!

Except for Coco, that is. She sobbed through the whole game and especially when we were all laughing about Everett. Poor, sensitive, tired girl.

And then just like that these sweet babies woke up and it was 2018! It's going to be a great year for so many reasons, but mostly because I get to be the mom to these four. 

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