Wednesday, February 15, 2012

At least he looks good in a suit

Talmage and I went on a little Mommy/Mister date a few days before Valentine's Day. Stanford was holding a family dance so we decided T and I would go while James and Evie hung out at home. I thought it would be good for us to get out and do something fun together.
I was REALLY excited for the dance, and T couldn't stop talking about it. We have dance parties in our living room just about everyday, and we were both looking forward to dancing the night (read: after naptime/early evening) away!

We both got all dressed up. Holy hannah could that kid look any cuter in a suit? He kept saying, "I'm taking Mommy on a date. We're going to a special, special dance!" He even smiled when we took lots and lots of prom-esque pictures. Why oh why oh why couldn't that smile have stayed on his face?

Yep, I'd say we make a pretty cute couple. As I look at these pictures now (a few days after the dance) I am left wishing that the dance was as adorable as the pre-date pictures. My mom tried to console me by saying that Talmage will probably always have good memories of the dance and of this date (even though he hated every second of it and made it miserable for me). We'll see.

As for me, this picture from the dance sums up my memory. I'll save you from the naughty details, but let's just say the break-downs started the second we walked in the room and didn't end the whole time we were there. Or on the way home. Earlier than expected, of course.

At least he looked good in a suit. It was his one redeeming quality of the evening!


  1. You're so pretty! And T does look adorable.

  2. OH NO...I need to hear about this story. T probably assumed that a dance party meant Aunt Ash would be there...sorry to disappoint the boy! But Gosh Dang you both look so great!

  3. You two have adorable prom pictures!! :)
