Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Some Parties and One Heck of a Burger

Pool party for Jim's work. Delicious cupcakes and a huge pool full of new toys and friends. Heaven anyone?

Birthday party for some of our new friends at Mother's Beach. No waves, lots of sand, more cupcakes and swings overlooking gorgeous boats. Heaven. Yep, heaven.

Apple Pan, recommended by our cousin Ira. The hickory burger was out of this world. Plus fries, IBC from a bottle and apple pie. Heavenly.


  1. Oh my goodness, looks like you guys have been having a ton of fun!! and that picture of the boys on the swings is AMAZING!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!

  2. Wow! I want to do all of that too! All of that has FUN written all over it!
