Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Letter to the Tooth Fairy

Dr. Mrs. Tooth Fairy,

I am in desperate need of your assistance. I know you are in the business of retrieving teeth, but I need one delivered...pronto.

Let me explain.
At just 3 1/2 months old, Talmage's first tooth was just below the surface. We not only saw the tooth, but his runny nose, irritability and constant slobbering sealed the deal for us...he was teething. Unfortunately that little tooth (plus two others) have now been "just below the surface" for four months, and this last week has been more than we can handle. He's biting, chewing, drooling, he has a runny nose and pink cheeks (but no temp, might I add), and the WORST part is he has transformed into "a little monster" (direct quote from a sister at church!) Please see below for the sad proof.

He did not enjoy library day today (which he usually adores) and his sobs left women all across the city giving me dirty looks for forcing my child to be outside when he obviously would rather have been indoors (little did they know that his rampage in the stroller was actually 20 times better than the scene we had this morning in the house). I told them the same thing a wise women always tells me, "He's teething!" I finally carried him, while pushing the stroller and holding an umbrella...neither of us were super impressed.

And so you see, Mrs. Tooth Fairy, that if I keep telling people his temper tantrums are due to teething he must eventually get a tooth. And since that seems not to be happening naturally, I'm hoping you can just drop off one of your extras (you must have like a million at least). You really, honestly have no idea how much I would appreciate it.
With gratitude and a hopeful heart,

Little Wiggy's Mama


  1. I love your humor. Hang on to it! It'll get you through many stages of "Little Wiggy's" childhood.

  2. Oh my goodness, you are so funny! I loved your post today, I think I might re-read the whole thing again! Poor baby, or should I say poor mama!!

  3. You are so clever and cute..... It's true- that humor will help at times like this. Teething is hard for the baby- but I think its harder for the momma. Hang in there. Before you know it, that tooth fairy will "bail you out". =)

  4. I do believe in Fairies!
    I DO believe in FAIRIES!!

    (I figured if it worked for Tinkerbell, then
    it should be a slam dunk for the Tooth Fairy!)

  5. Hahaha, I so know what you mean and so does every other mom in across the world! Isn't it amazing that those teeth go in and out like that. You are all in our prayers! Good luck.

  6. I feel for you Heath - Bryce suggested that you guys give him some OraGel Teething Pain Medicine. I thought that was a great suggestion - I passed it on to Mom and she should be throwing some into the next package that she sends to you. I hope that it will help!
