Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Piece is a Park

Talmage and I met Jim for a picnic in Parker's Piece this afternoon. I quickly learned upon arrival in the city that a piece is a park. I don't super understand why, but I'm going with the flow! It doesn't bother me much, except for the name of one park "Christ's Pieces." It just doesn't sound very nice, so I refer to it as CP. Anyway, Parker's Piece was beautiful. There were people playing soccer, cricket and frisbee, and Talmage was more than entertained. After being stuck inside all day yesterday because of rain he LOVED being outdoors and playing on the grass.

(Talmage wants to put everything in his mouth these days...even my face! He is such a cute boy, and I love those cheeks!)


  1. I wish that I was there to get one of those sloppy face kisses! They are the best!

  2. Heath!!! I was so happy to see your comment on my blog! I haven't heard from you in forever. You look so good and your little boy is adorable. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch!
