Thursday, October 1, 2009

Touring the City

Our first few days in Cambridge we spent familiarizing ourselves with the town. Jim has been here a few times, but for Talmage and me it was one adventure after another. Our walk to the city center from our home is short and beautiful--walking beside the River Cam and through a pasture with grazing cows. I was super impressed! We definitely stick out for two main reasons: a) We have a baby, there aren't many of them around here. b) We are dressed like true Californian's in 60 degree weather--in our Winter clothes! Poor Talmage hates those hats but I make him wear them. It's cold (and doesn't he look cute!)

We went to Pembroke, which is Jim's college within the University and he picked up his student card. I made him take a picture to document this crazy and exciting milestone. We're actually here, wow! And PS--do you want to know who else attended Pembroke College? William Pitt, the youngest Prime Minister in British history and also star of one of my favorite movies "Amazing Grace." Seriously, if you haven't seen it you need to! OK, one more cool fact. Pembroke College was founded in 1347 (ish!). Yeah, that's like way before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Cool, huh?

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