Friday, January 13, 2012

The Duck Pond and The Lizard Lady

I don't think going to the duck pond will ever get old. At least, I hope it will never get old. It has a dual purpose--getting rid of unused bread (which I store on top of the fridge for weeks in anticipation of duck day) and entertaining the munchkin (which almost always occurs--except, however, the day after he has a bad dream about a duck tickling his tummy).

No, I did not make that up. T has been having nightmares lately about animals--namely ducks and turtles--tickling his tummy. And he does not think it's funny. He also has a recurring dream about Lamby, his stuffed lamb, kicking him. This may sound cute and innocent, but these dreams cause the most blood-curdling screams at 2 am from T-Man. Poor kid. Anyway, he was a little nervous about feeding the ducks on this particular visit so I let him sit on the roof of the car. Everything was fine and dandy until a seagull decided to get a little closer to the action and sit next to T. There was screaming, and crying, and huffing for a few minutes. Luckily, they made their peace (although if he has a nightmare about a seagull soon I'll know why).

Eventually he got the hang of things on the roof and had a grand time throwing handfulls of bread at a time. You should have seen the duck/pigeon/seagull hysteria going on right next to our car.

And, of course, we couldn't have a simple smile for our picture.'s the cheese!

Our good friends told us that the Lizard Lady was coming to the library, and we gladly tagged along. She had a lot of snakes and reptiles to show the kids, and although they thoroughly freaked me out I put on my brave face, and even touched a Boa in an attempt to ease T's fears of the creatures. He likes to look at animals from a distance. He must have gotten that gene from me! The big hit of the show was when she brought out a huge tortoise named Bob from Brazil.

This little boy was a-dor-a-ble! And absolutely, totally, incredibly brave. I am not joking when I say that I don't think you could pay me enough money to let a snake wrap itself around me. Ew.

1 comment:

  1. Snakes, Yuk! They have never been on my fav list! When grammie was a little girl, she had a boy who used to chase her around the playground with a pretend snake. Even though she knew it was pretend, she would scream, cry and run from the thought of that snake touching her. That little boy is TRULY BRAVE!

    By the way, the story of the seagull and Talmage is priceless! I'm so glad that you captured that picture - it made me laugh!
