Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Quinny the Cookie Sous Chef

The boys each had a friend over to play and before long Quinny showed up at my feet with her head hanging low and the saddest expression on her face. "Dem. Mean. Wock door." she said with a tear in her eye. I scooped her up in my arms and said, "Are they not playing with you? Are they being mean? I'm so sorry Quinny!" She nuzzled her sweet face into my shoulder and whimpered for a moment or two, not long enough where either of us mistook her whines for real tears but just long enough that she got the sympathy from me that she desired. We all need a healthy dose of sympathy every now and again, even if we have to beg for it.  

"I have an idea!" I told her excitedly. "How about you and I go on a date to the kitchen to make cookies! Just the two of us--Quinny and Mommy!" 

Well you would have thought I offered her the moon. "YAAAAAYYYYYY! Date wif Mommy! Make cookies!" she repeated again and again. We headed into the kitchen, washed our hands, Quinny found the perfect place in the center of the action and we started measuring, cracking, pouring and stirring until we had the perfect cookie dough. Somewhere around the halfway mark Everett walked into the kitchen and with a stern face Quinny shooed him away saying, "No! I do it. Wif Mommy. No Ebie." It was a little bit of an eye for an eye situation but it was also quite hilarious and adorable. This girl is strong, confident, opinionated and awesome!

The perk of being the only one cooking was that she got to lick BOTH beaters. She double fisted those babies and aside from the few tastes she offered me ("Tie it Mama. Tie it!") she licked them clean! I scooped the dough onto the cookie sheets and put them in the oven and then she sat on her little bench in front of the oven, watching our dough turn to perfectly baked cookies. I took them out of the oven (duh) but she got the honors of bringing the plate of cookies to the backyard to share with the boys and their friends. Boy did their tune change about having a baby sister around. We're not below buying friendships around here, and sweets are the currency of choice!

It's doubtful, probably impossible, that Quinny will remember this day we spent in the kitchen together making cookies, but I hope there are many more delicious memories to come of time spent with my girl doing and making things that she and I love. 

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. My Luke and I have had a cookie making date set for tomorrow for a week to ease the pain of being left out of a birthday party that Noah is going to. Something about baking and time with Mom makes these littles feel so special. And, that cute Quinn might not remember the baking, but I bet she's going to remember how her mama made her feel, which is the best part!
