Friday, September 9, 2016


My blog makes it seem like all us Wigginton's do is eat treats. And that's not totally true! Sure, we know how to eat our way through a party, but to be fair we mostly eat rabbit food around here and we eat it in plenty, so it's all good. Fruit for breakfast, veggies for snack, protein for lunch, veggies for snack, a salad for dinner and a whole bowl of cookie dough for dessert...that's how it works at your house too, is it not? These last couple of weeks we've had a couple of good reasons to get a treat, here are a few:

A "Because Mema's Here" Happy Meal

A "Because We Made It Through the First Week of School" Slurpee

A "Because We Cleaned the Church So Good" Donut

And another donut pick, because they're just such adorable little friends

A "Because It Is Fill-a-Bucket Day at 7/11" Slurpee

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