Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Thrifty Ice Cream

The name of the game is bribery, and usually it works just fine. Sure, there were still puddles of Ever tears on the floor and T hid underneath the big chair in the corner, but we did the deed and then we got our reward. The deed = flu shots. The reward = Thrifty ice cream at the Rite Aid next door. And Quinn should have gotten a double scoop because she was a straight up boss. She sat in the chair, got the shot, let just a tear or two fall from her big browns and then asked for a Batman sticker. You can tell she has brothers because she doesn't want a princess sticker even though they have those in plenty, but she does ask for Batman on the purple background, so there's that. Ice cream choices should you care to know: Black cherry for the baby. Birthday cake for the boy in the middle. Cookie dough for the T. And for some reason I got mint chip even though I don't even like mint chip (why did I do that? I'm serious right now.) So then I tried to trade my mint chip with Quinny's black cherry, but she refused to trade. "No! No fank you! I wan, mine!" I didn't get a flu shot with the rest of my lot so I had little bargaining power and just ate the darn mint. Next time I'm letting my little girlfriend order for me.  

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